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English translation for "transverse plane"


Related Translations:
transverse tress:  曲应力
transverse shape:  横断面形状
transverse load:  横荷重横向负荷横向负载横向荷载横向载荷
transverse weld:  横向焊缝
transverse illumination:  横向照度
transverse tricot:  横条针织物
transverse deflection:  横向变位
transverse stability:  横复原性横稳性横向稳定性横向稳度
transverse part:  横部
transverse fin:  横向肋片
Example Sentences:
1.The horizontal plane sometimes is referred to as the transverse plane
2.Transverse planing machine
3.Video 1 : transverse plane showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit
4.At the transition point the dynamical fluctuations are anisotropic in the longitudinal - transverse planes and isotropic in the transverse plane
5.Images 3 , 4 : image 3 - transverse plane showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit . image 4 - postnatal appearance of the baby
图3 :横切面显示左侧眼球增大,从眶内突出。图4 :婴儿出生后的照片。
6.This means the jets are circular in the transverse plane with respect to the property of dynamical fluctuations at the transition point and therefore they are called the circular jet
由转变点处的动力学起伏的性质定义了“圆喷注” ,得到了产生实验上“可观察喷注”的标度
7.Methods : fifty paired embalmed cadaveric humeri ( twenty - five pairs : fourteen from male donors and eleven from female donors ) were scanned in medial - lateral ( ml ) and anterior - posterior ( ap ) position according to the humeral retroversion by ct . images of the humeri in the transverse planes at the lowest border of neck ( lbn ) , 20mm and 40mm distal of lbn ( lbn - 20 、 lbn - 40 ) , isthmus , head - neck anterior - posterior ( hn - ap ) were obtained . sixty - one extracortical and intracortical parameters were measured exactly by image analytic computer software that included offset , head position , head - shaft angle , head to tuberosity height ( ht ) , head thickness , curvature radius , articular surface arc ( sa ) , neck diameter , isthmus position , proximal and distal border of isthmus , maximum coronal and sagittal diameter of medullary canal and thickness of cortical bone in four planes , including lbn , lbn - 20 , lbn - 40 and isthmus
方法: 50根成对防腐肱骨(男14对,女11对)按肱骨头扭转角置于冠状位和矢状位,行肱骨全长,头颈矢状面,解剖颈下缘及其下20mm 、 40mm ,髓腔狭窄部四平面ct扫描,由ct软件测量冠、矢状位髓腔内外参数共61项,包括头心?干轴距,头位置,头干角,头?结节高度差,头厚度,头半径,关节面张角,解剖颈直径,髓腔狭窄部位置,解剖颈下缘及其下20mm 、 40mm和狭窄部四个平面髓腔的最大冠、矢状径,皮质骨厚度等。
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